
  • Hellinckx, W., Broekaert, E., VandenBerge, A., & Colton, M. J. (Eds.) (1991). Innovations in Residential Care. Leuven: Acco (ISBN 90-334-2255-7).
  • Van der Ploeg, J. D., Van den Bergh, P. M., Klomp, M., Knorth, E. J., & Smit, M. (Eds.) (1992). Vulnerable Youth in Residential Care I: Social Competence, Social Support and Social Climate. Leuven: Garant Publishers (ISBN 90-5350-087-1).
  • Van der Ploeg, J. D., Van den Bergh, P. M., Klomp, M., Knorth, E. J., & Smit, M. (Eds.) (1992). Vulnerable Youth in Residential Care II: Client, Staff and the System. Leuven: Garant Publishers (ISBN 90-5350-168-1).
  • Colton, M. J., & Hellinckx, W. (Eds.) (1993). Child Care in the EC: A Country-Specific Guide to Foster and Residential Care. Aldershot: Arena (ISBN 1-85742-179-5).
  • Colton, M. J., & Hellinckx, W. (Eds.) (1993). La Atención a la Infancia en la Unión Europea. Madrid: Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales (ISBN 84-7850-082-0).
  • Corbillon, M., Hellinckx, W., & Colton, M. J. (Ed.) (1994). Suppléance Familiale en Europe. Vigneux sur Seine: Matrice (ISBN 2-905642-33-5).
  • Colton, M. J., Hellinckx, W., Ghesquière, P., & Williams, M. (Eds.) (1995). The Art and Science of Child Care. Aldershot: Arena (ISBN 1-85742-285-6).
  • Colton, M. J., Scholte, E. M., Casas, F., Drakeford, M., Williams, M., & Roberts, S. (1997). Stigma and Social Welfare: An International Comparative Study. Aldershot: Ashgate (ISBN 1-85972-525-2).
  • Hellinckx, W., Colton, M. J., & Williams, M. (Eds.) (1997). International Perspectives on Family Support. Aldershot: Arena (ISBN 1-85742-347-X).
  • Hellinckx, W. (Ed.) (1998). Pedagogische Thuishulp in Problematische Opvoedingssituaties. Leuven/Apeldoorn: Garant (ISBN 90-5350-483-4).
  • Colla, H. E., Gabriel, Th., Millham, S., Müller-Teusler, S., & Winkler, M. (Hrsg.) (1999). Handbuch Heimerziehung und Pflegekinderwesen in Europa – Handbook Residential and Foster Care in Europe. Neuwied/Kriftel: Luchterhand (ISBN 3-472-02339-2).
  • Stelmaszuk, Z. W. (Ed.) (1999). Wspólczesne Kierunki w Opiece nad Dzieckiem. Warsaw: Zak Publishers (ISBN 83-88149-04-0).
  • Corbillon, M. (Ed.) (2001). Suppléance Familiale: Nouvelles Approches, Nouvelles Pratiques. Vigneux sur Seine: Matrice (ISBN 2-905642-54-8).
  • Stelmaszuk, Z. W. (Ed.) (2001). Zmiany w Systemie Opieki nad Dziecmi i Mlodzieza: Perspektywa Europejska. Katowice: Slask Publishers (ISBN 83-7164-266-0).
  • Knorth, E. J., Van den Bergh, P. M., & Verheij, F. (Eds.) (2002). Professionalization and Participation in Child and Youth Care: Challenging Understandings in Theory and Practice. Aldershot/Burlington/Singapore: Ashgate (ISBN 0-7546-0891-3).
  • Van den Bergh, P. M., Knorth, E. J., Verheij, F., & Lane, D. (Eds.) (2002). Changing Care: Enhancing Professional Quality and Client Involvement in Child and Youth Care Services. Amsterdam: SWP Publishers (ISBN 90-6665-449-X).
  • Colton, M.J., Williams, M., & Roberts, S. (Eds.) (2002). Residential care in the European Union: Last resort or positive choice? Lessons from around Europe. International Journal of Child & Family Welfare (special issue). Leuven/Leusden: Acco.
  • Eriksson, H.G & Tjelflaat, T. (Eds.) (2004). Residential Care. Horizons for the New Century. Aldershot/Burlington/Singapore: Ashgate (ISBN 0-7546-4098-1).
  • Grietens, H., Lahaye, W., Hellinckx, W., & Vandemeulebroecke, L. (Eds. (2005). In the Best Interests of Children and Youth. International Perspectives. Leuven: Leuven University Press, Studia Paedagogica 42) (ISBN 90-5867-489-4).
  • Grietens, H., Knorth, E., Durning, P., & Dumas, J. (Eds.) (2007). Promoting competence in children and families. Scientific perspectives on resilience and vulnerability. Leuven: Leuven University Press and EUSARF (ISBN 978-90-902225-7-8).
  • Canali, C., Vecchiato, T., & Whittaker, J. K. (Eds.) (2008). Assessing the ‘evidence base’ of intervention for vulnerable children and their families. Padova: E. Zancan Publishing (isbn 88-88843-24-8).
  • Canali, C., Vecchiato, T., & Whittaker, J. K. (Eds.) (2008). Conoscere i bisogni e valutare l’efficacia degli interventi per bambini, ragazzi e famiglie in difficoltà. Padova: E. Zancan Publishing (isbn 88-88843-25-6).
  • Tillard, B., & Rurka, A. (Eds.) (2009). Du Placement à la Suppléance Familiale: Actualité des Recherches Internationales. Paris: L’Harmattan (isbn 978-2-296-07584-9).
  • Knorth, E.J. , Kalverboer, M.E., & Knot-Dickscheit, J. (Eds.) (2010). Inside Out. How Interventions in Child and Family Care Work: An International Source Book. Antwerp: Garant Publishers (KOP Series, nr. 30). (ISBN 978-90-441-2697-6).